Creado por Mercedes Bell
hace casi 8 años
Name three categories of psychological problems found in humans?
Name the 3 branches in the Human Psychology Tree
What are some secular models of counselling which can be found in the three branches of Psychology (Human Psychology Tree)
Name the four levels in Bond's Pond
What does 'OR' stand for on the Human Psychology Tree
What does 'AT' stand for on the Human Psychology Tree
What does 'REBT' stand for on the Human Psychology Tree
What does 'CBT' stand for on the Human Psychology Tree
What does 'PCT' stand for on the Human Psychology Tree
What does 'G' stand for on the Human Psychology Tree
What does the 'E' stand for on the Human Psychology Tree
What does the 'TA' stand for on the Human Psychology Tree
What is Psychodynamic Theory
What is Person Centered Therapy
What is Cognitive Behaviour Therpy
What is Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT)
Name 4 approaches to counselling
Name 5 Styles of Practice (Table of Practice)