Another name for Surah al-Nasr is ___________.
Surah al-Fawj
Surah al-Tawbah
Surah al-Fath
Surah al-Tawdee'
___________ was the last Surah to be revealed in it's entirety.
Surah al-Kafiroon
Surah al-Nasr
Surah al-Fatihah
Surah al-Naas
Translation of أَفْوَاجًا is ____________
نَصْرُ is the __________________.
type of help which is against the enemy or in case of danger
type of help which is unconditional
type of help which is for selected few
Type of help which is temporary
When we achieve something in life what are you supposed to do?
Glorify Allahﷻ
Pray Salah
Do Umrah
Do Istighfar
Have patience
Who was Abu Lahab?
Paternal Uncle of Rasul Allahﷺ
Leader of Mushrikeen
Friend of Rasul Allahﷺ
Ansaar from Madinah
What was name of Abu lahab' s wife?
Umm uzzah
Umm sabera
Umm Jameel
Umm sufyan
Why Abu Lahab and his wife's punishment is declared like this in the Qur'an?
Because of their ignorance
Because of their laziness
Because of their disobedience
Because of their extreme opposition
Translation of الْحَطَبِ is:
The Destruction
The fire wood
In the ayah *فِي جِيدِهَا حَبْلٌ مِنْ مَسَدٍ* Translation of جِيدِهَا is_______and مَسَدٍ is _______.
Her neck / twisted palm fibre
The neck / rope
Neck / necklace
Her neck / chains