Creado por Louise Mason
hace más de 7 años
What are the stomachs like in young ruminants?
What is the purpose of the reticular groove reflex?
Why is there an interest in preserving the reticular groove reflex in adult ruminants?
What is the problem with only feeding young ruminants once or twice a day?
What is the problem with milk entering the rumen of young ruminants?
In the adult ruminant, what becomes the dominant input for stimulating the reticular groove reflex?
What part of the brain is responsible for controlling the reticular groove reflex?
What can send signals to the Medulla to bring about the reticular groove reflex?
What stimulates the growth of forestomachs?
What percentage of gross energy in the ruminant comes from carbohydrates?
Ruminants can break down all carbohydrates except for those bound to or masked by which molecule?
What bond is hydrolysed in ruminants that can't be hydrolysed in other mammals?
How are beta-bonds hydrolysed in the ruminant?
In ruminants, what are the products of carbohydrate digestion?
What effect does a high-starch diet have on VFA in ruminants?
What are the only two paths by which glucose can be produced in ruminants?
What three key factors influence fermentation?
Why does pyruvate produce VFA in ruminants but not in other mammals?
What is the importance of producing Methane during carbohydrate fermentation?
What does the diet determine in terms of rumen ecology?
How does a change in diet affect fermentation?
How are some end products recycled within fermentation?
How is the production of VFA different as a result of protein digestion as opposed to carbohydrates?
What percentage of available energy from fermentation is used by the microbes themselves?
In a high cereal diet, fermentation is mainly driven by which type of factors?
In a normal/high roughage diet, what is fermentation mainly driven by?
Why is it important in young ruminants that fermentation is driven mainly by pre-absorptive factors?
Why is retention time important?
What effect does increasing the amount of food fed have on the amount of energy extracted from it?
What are the functions of salivary secretion?
In the ruminant, why does saliva contain anti-frothing proteins?
In ruminants, why does saliva contain wetting agents?
In ruminants, why is saliva needed as a fluid?
What does the consistency of saliva depend on?
What, in the ruminant, is dependent upon CNS control?
How does primary salivary secretion compare to ECF?
What is saliva derived from and what effect does this have on blood flow?
In monogastrics, what alters salt composition?
In ruminants, what is different about the action of the Na+/K+ coupled transporter in ducts?
Approximately what percentage of body water is recycled throughout the GI tract every day?
In ruminants, what is the main stimulus for salivary secretion?
What nerves control salivary secretion in ruminants?
How is saliva important as pH buffer in ruminants?
What is the pH of ruminant saliva?
What is the importance of phosphate ions in ruminant saliva?
What is the importance of saliva as a source of Nitrogen in ruminants?
How does eating rate vary with food water content?
What effect does parasympathetic innervation have on saliva secretion?
What effect does sympathetic innervation have on saliva secretion?
In what way does sympathetic control of saliva secretion work?
What effect does parasympathetic innervation have on blood flow?
What two types of long reflexes can increase the rate of saliva secretion?
What are inborn reflexes?
How are conditioned reflexes created?