Creado por becky sharrock
hace alrededor de 8 años
the agrarian reform
APCs continued
APCs continued
1st FYP
1st FYP successes
the 1st FYP's failures
conclusion of 1st FYP
speak bitterness meetings
The Four Pests Campaign
The Great Famine 1958-62
causes of the Great Famine
Backyard Furnaces
State Owned Enterprises
The Lushan Conference 1959
2nd FYP/GLF. reasons for launching
successes of GLF
Failures of the GLF
Failures of the GLF continued
Failures of the GLF continued
life during the GLF
Mao withdraws from politics
Economic Reform 1962-65
economic reform continued 1962-65
successes of economic reforms 1962-65
1st FYP: the soviet unions involvement
1st FYP successes
1st FYP failures
reasons for launching the GLF
Mao's ideology
reasons for launching the GLF
reasons for launching the GLF
reasons for launching the GLF
increase industry
reasons for launching the GLF