Creado por Tania Parvaiz
hace más de 7 años
What does Fick's Law tell us about?
What is Fick's law?
4 properties of specialised exchange surfaces which allow efficient exchange?
2 reasons why specialised exchange surfaces are often located inside organisms?
2 examples of single celled organisms?
How do single celled organisms get oxygen?
What will happen to a small animal in terms of heat loss?
Example of a behavioural adaptation?
What is the ventilation mechanism in fish?
Relationship between size of an organism and its surface area to volume ratio?
How does ventilation occur in fish?
3 ways fish maximise diffusion?
What is the structure of the gills like? (3)
What provides a large surface area in fish?
What provides a short diffusion pathway in fish?
What provides a steep diffusion gradient in fish?
What is a countercurrent flow?
Why is a countercurrent system better than a concurrent system?
What do active fish need?
Why are insects at risk of dehydrating?
What covers the insect and what does it do?
Disadvantage to impermeable cuticle?
What are the name of the pores found on the surface of an insect body called which gases diffuse through?
Function of the spiracle?
What is the structure of the gas exchange system of the insect which allows respiration to occur? (2)
2 ways how gases move in and out of a tracheal system?
How does ventilation occur in insects? (3)
How does a steep diffusion gradient exist inside insects?
How does a short diffusion pathway exist inside insects?
Why is more oxygen needed for insects?
What happens in insects when they respire anaerobically? (4)
One way how the transport of oxygen to a muscle in an insect is different from that in a fish?
Structure of the lungs? (5)
Where is cartilage found, what is it made of and what does it do? (3)
Where is smooth muscle found and what does it do? (2)
Where is elastic tissue found and what does it do? (2)
Where are ciliated epithelial cells and goblet cells found and what do they do? (3)
What surrounds the alveoli?
Structure of an alveolus? (3)
How does gas exchange occur in the alveoli? (2)
How are alveoli adapted for an increased rate of gas exchange by diffusion? (3)
What happens during inspiration? (5)
What happens during expiration? (5)
Is inspiration passive or active?
Is expiration passive or active?
How does ventilation increase the rate of gas exchange?
In what cells does gas exchange occur inside in plants?
How do gases reach the mesophyll cells?
Label the diagram of the cross-section of a leaf
What is the function of the palisade cell and which organelle of the photosynthesis
3 ways a palisade cell is adapted to its function?
What is a chloroplast envelope?
What is a thylakoid?
What is a granum?
What is a stroma and what is its function?
Explain how chloroplasts are able to manufacture proteins?
What are cell walls made from? (3)
3 functions of the cell wall?
2 sources of carbon dioxide?
Explain how the structure of a leaf is adapted for efficient gas exchange? (3)
What does a plant vacuole contain?
What is a tonoplast?
3 functions of vacuoles?
2 ways structure of chloroplast is adapted for its function?
Process by which cells become adapted for a different function?
What is transpiration?
Why does the majority of transpiration occur from the underside of a leaf?
Why do leaves need a large surface area to volume ratio?
What are xerophytes?
8 xerophyte adaptations?
Explain how a small surface area to volume ratio allows a reduced rate of transpiration? (2)
Explain how a thick waxy cuticle allows a reduced rate of transpiration?
Explain how sunken stomata allows a reduced rate of transpiration?
Explain how rolled up leaves allow a reduced rate of transpiration?
Explain how hairy leaves allow a reduced rate of transpiration?
Explain how only opening stoma at night allows a reduced rate of transpiration?