Creado por Jack S
hace casi 8 años
Barker & Petley 1998
Hypodermic Needle Model
Cultivation Theory
Copycat Theory
Uses and Gratifications Theory
Reception Theory
Why does Gauntlett suggest there are no connections between the media and people's behaviour?
What did Hagell & Newburn discover in 1994?
Browne & Pennell 1998
How can Reception Theory be applied?
How are children characterised?
What do Buckingham and Gauntlett say?
What did George Gerber 1994 say?
Why is it important to look at meaning rather than just the amount of violence?
Can representations of ‘antisocial behaviour’ be measured objectively? Will it always affect children negatively?
Why does Gauntlett say that in the effects field findings are often unreliable?
How is some research artificial?
What does Borden (1975) suggest can affect children’s behaviour?
Do effects studies consider all violence depicted in the media? If not, what isn’t included? How is this problematic?
What does Gauntlett mean by ‘the effects model assumes superiority of the masses’?