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Tienes 15 minutos para completar 10 preguntas de este test.
Worldly provisions are all from Allah for the righteous and wrongdoers both but the reward of Jannah is only for the righteous (True or False)
No matter how high ur iman or level of righteousness is, u still need to make dua to Allah like Ibrahim a.s. also needed to make dua (True or False)
What dua did hazrat Ibrahim a.s. make for the Kabah ? According to the verse 126
To make it a place of security and safety for the people
To provide people with food from fruits
To keep Kaaba clean for the people who do Tawaf
Ibrahim A.S. prayed for provisions to provide people with food from fruits Because it is in the desert and there are no trees or water (True or False)
To whom did Ibrahim A.S restrict these blessings to? According to the ayah 126
To those who are righteous and obedient to Allah
Only to the people of Makkah
And whoever disbelieves - I will grant him enjoyment for a little; then I will force him to the punishment of the Fire, and wretched is the destination." Who said the above in the verse 126?
Hazrat Ismail A.S
Hazrat Ibrahim A.S
Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. was so compasionate for the rest of the believers after him that he made dua for them. (True or False)
As Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. did dua for the believers after him so now we need not do any dua either for ourself nor for our coming generations (True or False)
Worldly provisions are all from ALLAH S.W.T and its only for the righteous and not for wrongdoers in this world (True or False)
ALLAH S.W.T said that in this world He will even provide those who are disobedient to Him but in the hereafter they will be dragged to hellfire (True or False)