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What is osmosis?
The diffusion of water from within a cell to outside it
The diffusion of water from a concentrated solution to a dilute solution
The diffusion of water from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution
Which two words describe a situation in which the concentration of water outside the cell is greater than within it?
Which two words describe a situation in which the concentration of water outside the cell is equal to within it?
Which two words describe a situation in which the concentration of water outside the cell is less than within it?
True or false? Active transport does not require an input of energy.
True or false? Cells which carry out active transport have transport proteins and lots of mitochondria.
Which of these do plants absorb by active transport?
Mineral ions
Carbon dioxide
True or false? A sports drink can be easily replicated by adding a little salt to dilute orange squash.
Which part of the lung is responsible for gas exchange?
Which of these are adaptations of alveoli designed to increase the rate of exchange?
Spherical shape for large surface area
Transport proteins in alveolus cells
Film of moisture to transport dissolved gases
Good blood supply
Thin walls (only a single cell thick) to provide a short diffusion pathway
Lots of mitochondria to raise temperature by respiration for quicker diffusion
Which of these processes occur during inhalation?
Diaphragm muscles contract and flatten
Liver pushes up diaphragm into domed shape
External intercostal muscles contract
Internal intercostal muscles contract
Ribcage moves up and out
Ribcage moves in and down
Thoracic volume increases and pressure decreases
Thoracic volume decreases and pressure increases
Which of these processes occur during exhalation?
Which type of breathing aid is the iron lung?
Positive pressure
Negative pressure
True or false? The surface area of the small intestine is about 200-300 square metres.
What is a villus?
An ancient Roman house
The Latin word for "town"
A finger-like projection in the small intestine
What is the name given to cells which close and open the stomata?
Palisade cells
Guard cells
Mesophyll cells
True or false? The surface area of roots is expanded through an absence of root hair cells.
What is the transpiration stream?
The constant cycle of water from uptake in the roots to evaporation in the leaves
A small river which has a larger than average population of algae
The name given to flowing water which is unusually clear
True or false? Wilting is a plant mechanism designed to reduce water loss.
What device can be used to measure the rate of transpiration?
A potometer
A transpirometer
An osmometer