Creado por EllieFlint
hace casi 11 años
Define 'weather'
Define 'climate'
Name 3 internal factors affecting the climate
Name 3 external factors affecting the climate
How do volcanoes affect the climate?
How does surface reflection affect the climate?
How does a change in atmospheric gasses affect the climate?
How does the sun's solar output affect the climate?
How does the earth's orbital shape affect the climate?
How does the axis tilt affect the climate?
What is the greenhouse effect?
Main causes of climate change
Why is methane worse than carbon dioxide?
What is the Kyoto Protocol?
Why sign Kyoto Protocol?
Did the Kyoto Protocol work?
What is the Bali Roadmap?
Local Responses to Climate Change - Schools
Local Responses to Climate Change - Local Councils
Local Responses to Climate Change - Local Interest Groups
Positive Impacts of Climate Change
Negative Impacts of Climate Change
Rising Sea Levels