Creado por Alex Millar
hace más de 7 años
What is designing the customer experience about?
As a strategic tool, what does the service concept do?
Why is service design important?
What's the problem with service design?
What does a good service design do?
In order for services to have designs which use cues/mechanisms to resonate the right customer emotions, what do services need?
What influences people's expectations?
What is the difficulty faced when designing the service?
What does Tom Peters say about customer perceptions?
Failure to match perceptions and expectations is the fifth gap in Parasuraman's Gap Analysis Model. what are all the gaps?
What case study can the gap analysis for service quality be applied to?
What arguments are there for improving service design?
What difficulties are faced when trying to drive service improvements (particularly in public sector)?
What do Zomerdijk and Voss (2009) say about customer experience design?
What is Zomerdijk and Voss' (2009) 6 Principle Framework?
What can we learn from Coye (2004) about designing customer experiences
What are the three types of beliefs that can shape customer expectations?