Róisín Farmer
Test por , creado hace más de 1 año

RDA2 - Qualitative Test sobre Companion MCQ's: Research scenarios , creado por Róisín Farmer el 02/05/2017.

Róisín Farmer
Creado por Róisín Farmer hace casi 8 años

Companion MCQ's: Research scenarios

Pregunta 1 de 10


A 3rd year undergraduate psychology student wants to do a qualitative project on how overseas students adjust to the higher educational system in Britain and asks for your advice. She is from Poland and moved to the UK to study. She has decided to use thematic analysis but has not made up her mind about whether to use interviews or qualitative surveys to collect the data.

1) The fact that she is Polish…

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Is certainly going to give her a biased perspective, and she has to be very careful not to let it contaminate her reading and interpretation of the interviews

  • Means that she is going to be more empathetic to her participants

  • Means she needs to think about how her experiences as an overseas student have informed her perspective and analysis and account for how that has influenced her research in her write up of the research

  • She can only speak to Polish students because she can only understand their perspective


Pregunta 2 de 10


A 3rd year undergraduate psychology student wants to do a qualitative project on how overseas students adjust to the higher educational system in Britain and asks for your advice. She is from Poland and moved to the UK to study. She has decided to use thematic analysis but has not made up her mind about whether to use interviews or qualitative surveys to collect the data.

2) If she conducted interviews...

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • She should develop an interview schedule in advance and stick to it completely

  • She should try and respond to what the interviewee says to create more information

  • She should ignore any signs of participant distress

  • She should conduct at least 50 interviews


Pregunta 3 de 10


A 3rd year undergraduate psychology student wants to do a qualitative project on how overseas students adjust to the higher educational system in Britain and asks for your advice. She is from Poland and moved to the UK to study. She has decided to use thematic analysis but has not made up her mind about whether to use interviews or qualitative surveys to collect the data.

3) What would be one of the practical advantages of using qualitative surveys rather than interviews?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • It would provide her with richer data

  • It would allow her to collect a much larger sample

  • She could conduct the survey online and not have to transcribe her data

  • It would be great for controlling extraneous variables


Pregunta 4 de 10


A 3rd year undergraduate psychology student wants to do a qualitative project on how overseas students adjust to the higher educational system in Britain and asks for your advice. She is from Poland and moved to the UK to study. She has decided to use thematic analysis but has not made up her mind about whether to use interviews or qualitative surveys to collect the data.

4) When using thematic analysis to analyse her data at first she identified mainly ‘semantic’ codes. Semantic codes...

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Capture the surface meaning of the data

  • Capture a more conceptual/researcher-driven interpretation of the data

  • Are more objective than other types of codes

  • Are the most difficult codes to construct


Pregunta 5 de 10


A 3rd year undergraduate psychology student wants to do a qualitative project on how overseas students adjust to the higher educational system in Britain and asks for your advice. She is from Poland and moved to the UK to study. She has decided to use thematic analysis but has not made up her mind about whether to use interviews or qualitative surveys to collect the data.

5) If she is successful in her research, she should be able to...

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Provide us with a rich detailed description, showing us the different facets and complexity of the participants’ experience

  • Repeat the research at another time in another setting and get precisely the same outcome

  • Generalise her findings to the wider population of overseas students

  • Predict which type of overseas students is likely to succeed in their studies


Pregunta 6 de 10


A researcher has collected story completion data about people’s perceptions of transgender parenting. She has collected 50 stories – 25 from men and 25 from women – and is unsure whether to use thematic analysis or interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) to analyse the data and she asks for your advice...

1) You advise her to use thematic analysis...

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Because thematic analysis is a more objective method

  • Because IPA can only be used to analyse data about people’s experiences and the meanings they attach to their experiences

  • Because IPA can only be used to analyse interview data

  • Because the sample is too small to use IPA


Pregunta 7 de 10


A researcher has collected story completion data about people’s perceptions of transgender parenting. She has collected 50 stories – 25 from men and 25 from women – and is unsure whether to use thematic analysis or interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) to analyse the data and she asks for your advice...

2) The researcher chose to use story completion tasks to collect her data...

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Because story completion tasks are ideally suited to exploring people’s assumptions about a topic

  • Because they are the most accurate way of measuring people’s perceptions of a topic

  • Because they are easier to analyse than qualitative interviews

  • Because it’s really important to set every participate the same task in qualitative research


Pregunta 8 de 10


A researcher has collected story completion data about people’s perceptions of transgender parenting. She has collected 50 stories – 25 from men and 25 from women – and is unsure whether to use thematic analysis or interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) to analyse the data and she asks for your advice...

3) When the researcher has completed her analysis she will be able to...

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Predict which groups in the population will hold the most negative attitude towards transgender parents

  • Understand the effects of transgender parenting on children

  • Understand why teenagers hold more negative attitudes to their parent undergoing a sex change than younger children

  • Discuss key themes in the ways in which people make sense of transgender parenting


Pregunta 9 de 10


A researcher has collected story completion data about people’s perceptions of transgender parenting. She has collected 50 stories – 25 from men and 25 from women – and is unsure whether to use thematic analysis or interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) to analyse the data and she asks for your advice...

4) The researcher is worried that interviews would have been a better method to use, so you reassure her that story completion tasks are an appropriate method because...

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Interviews can only be used with small samples

  • Interviews are not ideal for researching sensitive topics

  • Researchers require years of research experience before they can conduct interviews successfully and ethically

  • Interviews are better used to examine people’s experiences


Pregunta 10 de 10


A researcher has collected story completion data about people’s perceptions of transgender parenting. She has collected 50 stories – 25 from men and 25 from women – and is unsure whether to use thematic analysis or interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) to analyse the data and she asks for your advice...

5) The researcher wants to compare male and female participants’ responses to the story completion task but she is worried that this would be inappropriate. You reassure her that this would be appropriate because...

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Because it’s important that her analysis shows whether men or women hold more negative attitudes to transgender parenting

  • Story completion tasks are one of the few qualitative methods ideally suited to comparative designs

  • It’s really important for qualitative studies to generate hypotheses that can be tested in quantitative research

  • Because her study will lack validity if she doesn’t compare male and female responses
