Branch of biology that deals with heredity, variation and the expression of inherited traits
All organisms use _ as genetic material.
Process of converting DNA to mRNA
Process of converting mRNA to protein
Genes are expressed at the _ level.
Proteins function at the _ level.
Organism's traits determined by characteristics of _.
Chemical nature of genes, control and expression of genetic information; gene is focus
Passage of genes from parent to offspring, offspring traits; individual is focus
Genetic composition of populations and how it changes over time and geographic location; population's gene pool (frequency of genes in population) is focus
Unit of heredity; a segment of DNA that produces a functional product (usually a polypeptide)
Unique structure stores information that codes for proteins that have some function in the cell
Four criteria that must be met for genetic material
In 1928, Griffith experimented with Streptococcus pneumoniae, which identified a __.
Describe Griffith's experiments
In the 1940s, Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty's biochemically purified bacterial extracts, which helped figure out that the "transforming principle" was _.
Describe the "Transforming principle" isolation experiment
In 1952, Hershey and Chase's experiments with T2 bacteriophage, which supported that _.