Creado por Sam Webb
hace más de 7 años
What is genetic epistemology in Piagetian theory
What is the clinical method and how did Piaget use it?
What is intelligence, for Piaget?
What is a cognitive equilibrium?
Why is Piaget's theory considered an 'interactionist' approach?
What does a 'constructionist' child mean?
According to Piaget what is a scheme
What are the two processes by which an understanding of the world is formed?
What is organisation?
What is adaption?
Adaption: what is assimilation?
Adaption: what is accomodation?
What are Piaget's 4 stages of cognitive development?
What are the key features of the sensorimotor stage of development (0-2yrs)
At 8-24 months an infant can experiment mentally and insight into problem solving. True or false?
What is Deferred imitation?
What is object permanence?
What is an A-not-B error?
Jake is 10 months old, his dad moves an attractive toy from in front of Jakes face, slowly across his plain of vision, and hides it under a cloth. Where will Jake look for the toy?
Ricardo is 15 months, his mother moves a toy slowly in front of his eyes and hides it under a cloth. Where will Ricardo look for the toy?
Lilly is 2 years old her uncle passes a toy across her line of sight and then hides it under a cloth. Where will Lilly look for the toy?
What do the Neo-Nativists think about Piaget's sensory motor stage, explain their theory?
What did Andrew Meltzoff argue about the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development?
Describe Baillargeon's (1987) study on object permanence with the clown box
What is the 'Theory theories' approach?
The key marker of the preoperational period of cognitive development is symbolic function, what is this?
What is representational insight?
If symbolic function is one hall mark of the preoperational stage, what is the other?
What is dual representation?
What is animism?
What is the most striking deficit in children's preoperational reasoning?
What is the appearance reality distinction?
What is dual encoding in the reality distinction?
What is centration?
What is conservation?
What is reversability