Creado por annjb2898
hace más de 10 años
What is malaria caused by?
Plasmodium is carried by mosquitoes, which are what?
How is Plasmodium transmitted to humans?
Fill in the gaps:
Plasmodium is a ........ and humans are its .....
What is a parasite?
Knowledge of the mosquito's life cycle has helped to stop the spread of malaria. What can be done to help stop the spread of malaria?
How can draining stagnant water help to stop the spread of malaria?
How does putting oil on the water surface help to stop the spread of malaria?
How does spraying insecticide help to stop the spread of malaria?
Name one other way to control the spread of malaria.
Name two changes in lifestyle and diet that can reduce the risk of some cancers.
Fill in the gaps:
Benign tumour cells, such as warts, divide ...... and are .........
What are cancers?
What do cancers display?
What are pathogens?
How do pathogens produce the symptoms of an infectious disease.
What are toxins?
How does the body protect itself?
What do human white blood cells produce that results in active immunity?
What is active immunity?
Fill in the gaps:
Active immunity can be a .... process but has a ....-....... effect.
What do vaccinations use and what do they result in?
Fill in the gaps:
Passive immunity has a ..... but .....-.... effect.
Finish the sentence:
Each pathogen has its own antigens, so.............
The process of immunisation is also called vaccination. What happens in vaccination?
Immunisation carries a small risk to the individual, but what does it avoid and decrease?
What are antibiotics?
What are antiviral drugs?
Antibiotics and antiviral drugs are what?
What does an antibiotic do?
What does an antiviral drug do?
New treatments, such as vaccinations, are tested using what three things before human trials?
Some people object to what?
What is a placebo?
What are placebos used as?
What happens in a blind trial?
What happens in a double blind trial?
Which two things do these types of trials avoid?
What has resulted in resistant forms of bacteria being more common than non-resistant forms?