Creado por Karima Ranieri
hace casi 8 años
What happened at the London Six Power Conference in 1948?
What did the new constitution entail?
What was the focal aim with the establishment of the new constitution?
When was the FRG founded?
What was the Basic law?
What did the new constitution place a special emphasis on?
How much power did the head of state attain under the new constitution?
How was the president chosen?
Who were the Bundestag?
How was this different to how it was under Weimar?
How did Parliament work under the new constitution?
How much power did the chancellor have?
How was the parliament under the new constitution different to Weimar?
How was it better?
How did the electoral system work under the new constitution?
How was it different to weimar?
How did the supreme court and democratic rights alter/remain the same under the new constitution?
Which parties were banned in the 1950s?
Evaluation of the Basic Law, successful? Completely democratic?
In the 1949 Bundestag election, which party gained majority votes?
Was the left-wing CDU sympathetic to the idea of creating a great coalition with the SPD?
Why did the CDU want to form a small coalition with the FDP and one of the smaller parties?
What happened on the 15th September 1949 in the Bundestag?
Who became president of the FRG in 1949?
What did Adenauer support?
What were Adenauer's aims in the 1950s?
What was meant by Western integration? What did Adenauer want?
What was meant by the 'German question'?
What was his aim?
Was the 'magnet theory' a success?
What was meant by economic policy?
What was his aim?
What was meant by social aspects?
What were his aims?
What happened in the second election of 1953?
What were the successes of the CDU's 1957 election campaign?
Which party had opposing views against the CDU?
What did the SPD criticise about the CDU?
Why did the SPD not enjoy similar support to the CDU?
How did the SPD eventually overtake the CDU/CSU in votes?
What were the aims of social market economy?
Did Erhard's implementation of the social market economy in 1948-9 immediately launch an economic take-off?
What was the 'foundation crisis' in 1949-50? Why/how did it come about?
Why was the crisis short lived, what event happened that helped with economic growth in Germany?
Economic growth
What was the FRG's highest percentage rate of growth?
What was the rate of their annual growth?
Gross national product
What happened from 1950 to 1955?
How much did the GNP increase by 1960?
Balance of trade
How did the balance of trade turn positive in 1956?
How much did unemployment go down by in 1955?
Within a few years, how did this change?
Was the creation of jobs limited?
What happened by the early 1960s, an increase in....?
Success or failure?
What advantages did the FRG inherit in terms of their economic success?
(mention resources, German skills, foreign aid, etc...)
Causes of the economic boom/miracle
1. World Trade
What did the USA do to help?
External circumstances, what did the Korean war lead to?
In what way did the OEEC (European Economic co-operation) help Germany?
Causes of the economic boom/miracle
2. Refugees
Problem or boost to economy?
Causes of the economic boom/miracle
3. Industrial peace
Did strikes in West Germany diminish?
What is Co-determination?
Causes of the economic boom/miracle
4. Consumption demand
Was West Germany prospering?
Causes of the economic boom/miracle
5. Financial stability
What was the name of the central bank, how did they operate in order to ensure stability?
Causes of the economic boom/miracle
6. Government expenditure
The FRG signed an agreement in 1952 to payback what?
What did the FRG not have to pay back after the war?
What was the 'Equalisation of Burdens Law' of 1952?
How much money was redistributed from the legislation in the next three decades?
Law 131 in 1951 restored what?
What was Adanauer's key issue?
success or failure?
Points that it was dealt with successfully
Points of failure/lack of change
Social change
How was the social situation in the early 1950s?
Social change
How was the social situation in the second half of the 1950s?
What was the population in 1951 and what did it become by 1965?
How did the structure of the labour force change?
What did the massive expansion of transport manufacture consist of?
What were Adenauer's aims in terms of foreign relations?
What was agreed in the Petersberg agreement? What did the chancellor gain? When was it signed and between whom?
What was the Schuman plan, how did it come about?
What was the ECSC, when was it founded? What was the benefit for the FRG?