A correspondent inference is...
An inference that behaviours are related to personal characteristics.
An inference that the person on tv is giving us accurate news.
When we infer that one cause corresponds to 2 separate inferences.
Arrived at from deductive reasoning but not inductive reasoning.
The covariation principle proposes that...
the cause of a behaviour is the factor that covaries the most with that behavior.
behaviour corresponds to a personal characteristic.
when one variable predicts another with 100% it has a correlation of 1.
people's behaviour covaries with the weather.
Which of the following suggests we should be making an internal attribution?
High consistency
Low distinctiveness
Low consensus
Low consistency
High distinctiveness
High consensus
Which of the following suggests we should make an external attribution for a persons behaviour?
High consesus
Once a belief is formed it is very hard to change it.
This is an example of?
Belief perseverance
Availability heuristic
Confirmation bias
Belief formation theory
Our tendency to judge what group someone is in based on how close they resemble the average member of that category is called the...
Representative heuristic
Availability bias
Similarity hypothesis
Which of the following can increase the illusion of control?
Personal choice
The rubber hand illusion
Being in charge of an unrelated task