Creado por joannalivesey
hace casi 11 años
Why would cattle farmers want to grow clover in grassland?
why does pioneer species population decline?
effects of succession
what limits the size of population in a climax community?
how might introduction of a new plant species reduce diversity?
why does net primary production not represent total plant biomass formed by photosynthesis
why is not all energy ABSORBED by plants transferred to organic molecules?
why might nitrogen concentration increase in a river?
why are pests a bigger problem in monocultures?
Why do plants have a higher C:N ratio than animals?
How do Venus fly traps get nitrogen compounds from eating insects?
Comparisons of many things with one standard thing (e.g. why compare CO2 given out by burning lots of different biofuels with CO2 given out by burning petrol?)
When talking about ‘correlation does not equal causation’, make sure to clearly state what the correlation is between
What is water needed for in plants?
Evidence for succession
Not always expected ratio because...
why does anaerobic respiration lead to muscle fatigue?
why must animals digest plant proteins to amino acids if these proteins are to be used for?
why are hedges good?
why are hedges bad?
why is it an advantage to have different niches?
components of a niche
why is growing crops more efficient that rearing cattle in terms of total food production?
environmental impact of monocultures
nitrogen fixing bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into...
why does water-logged soil have low nitrate concentration?
how might introduction of a new animal affect local population?
how you would decide the number of quadrats to use in order to collect
representative data?
what does the Hardy-Weinberg principal predict
conditions of Hardy-Wienberg
why does nitrate concentration in the soil increase with succession?
ways in which the properties of ATP make it a suitable source of energy in
biological processes
why should you use random sampling?
Suggest how the shape of mouth is an adaptation to its niche
when talking about eutrophication remember to say...
why ATP?
similarities between mitochondria and chloroplasts
why carry out a stat test?
why should we stop something going extinct?
advantage of using % cover
when talking about mark, release, recapture...
why does less mowing increase the number of insect species found on a roundabout?
why are males more likely to get a sex linked recessive disease?
advantages of carrying out investigations in natural habitats