The covenant of God with Israel, recorded in the books of the Hebrew Scriptures:
Saul the Pharisee, who persecuted Christians but was converted after receiving a vision of Christ:
Foster father of Jesus, husband of Mary:
Jewish holy day of thanksgiving for the wheat harvest. It was held 50 days after passover:
The Son of God and the Jewish Messiah:
Greek meaning "fiftieth":
Reign of Herod the Great ❌ Birth of Jesus Christ ❌ Death and resurrection of Jesus ❌ Deaths of St. Peter & Paul ❌
An enumeration or count of the population:
One sent forth, a messenger:
Mother of Jesus:
King of Judea when Jesus was born:
Hebrew for Messiah:
The covenant with all mankind made through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross and recorded in the books of the Christian Scriptures:
Greek meaning "letter":
Painful suffering:
Jesus' closest companions and disciples:
Greek for "messenger":
A contract:
Greek for "Messiah":
A witness, later coming to mean someone who dies rather than deny his faith:
The first five books of the Old Testament which recounts the origins and Law of the Hebrew people:
The "Anointed One", a king or royal person:
The sacred writings of a religion:
The central sacrament of the Christian Faith:
Hebrew for "passover":
Latin for "endurance":
Roman procurator, or governor, of Judea, under whom Jesus was crucified:
Greek meaning "witness":
Jewish ceremonial meal and feast commemorating the escape and deliverance of the Hebrew people from the bondage of Egypt:
A fisherman who became the chief of the apostles of Jesus: