7 key features of Baroque music.
4 key Baroque composers
Dates of Baroque period
Handel-And the Glory of the Lord
From what type of work is the movement taken?
What date, and where was it composed?
Where does the movement come from in the piece it was taken from?
Name the three performing forces
How many motifs in the movement
What is the first motif and it's features.
What is the second motif and its features?
What is the third motif and it's features?
What is the fourth motif and its features?
3 points on the rhythm, metre and tempo of 'And the Glory of the Lord'
2 points on the tonality and harmony of 'And the Glory of the Lord'
4 points on the texture of 'And the glory of the Lord'
2 points on the word setting of 'And the glory of the Lord'