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Fast twitch fibres are specialised to produce ( rapid, slow ), intense contractions. The ATP used in these contractions is produced almost entirely from ( anaerobic, aerobic ) glycolysis. They have ( very few, lots of ) mitochondria (glycolysis doesn't occur in mitochondria). They also have very little myoglobin, so have few reserves of oxygen and ( few, lots of ) associated capillaries. Their reliance on anaerobic respiration means there is a rapid build-up of ( lactate, oxygen ), so the fast twitch muscle fibres fatigue easily. With aerobic training, fast twitch muscle fibres can take on some of the characteristics of slow twitch muscle fibres e.g. they may have more mitochondria, allowing them to use aerobic respiration reactions when contracting. Fast twitch fibres also have ( an extensive, little ) sarcoplasmic reticulum allowing calcium ions to reach actin in more places. They also have a high glycogen content.