Creado por Dooney
hace casi 12 años
How is factor analysis used to test the lexical hypothesis?
Who was the first to use factor analysis?
What exactly did Cattell (1957) do?
How many items does Cattell's original 16PF have?
What are four second order factors of Cattell's 16PF?
What are the problems with the 16PF?
What are Eysenck's three personality factors?
What are the characteristics of Eysenck's extroversion and introversion?
What are characteristics of Eysenck's neuroticism and stable?
What are the characteristics of Eysenck's psychoticism?
What is Buger (1977) definition of a trait?
What are the two assumptions of trait theories?
What are the two assumptions of trait theories?
What are Cattell's two types of traits?
What are ability traits?
What are temperment traits ?
What are dynamic traits?
What are surface traits?
What are source traits?
The 90 items of Eysenck's personality questionnaire are what types of questions, and also what type of scale does it feature?
How did Eysenck (1970) define personality?
What is a supertrait in Eysenck's theory?
Eysenck (1972) said personality mostly from, what factors?
What is good about Eysenck Personality Questionnaire?
Who added traits to Eysenck's three personality characteristics?
What did Campbell and Hawley (1982) find about introverts and extroverts?
What are the traits associated withe extroversion?
Who found extroverts tire more easily on tasks of vigilance?
What are the traits associated with Neuroticism?
What's the problem with Eysenck's psychoticism?
What did Eysenck (1990) say about genes and personality?
What are the traits associated with psychoticism?
Along the lines of Eysenck theory, what is treatment for disorders?
What is the emic approach?
What are the biological factors related to extroversion and introbersion?
What is the etitc approach?
What are the biological factors of Neuroticism?
According to Saucier and Golberg (2001), what approach tends to be more reliable?
What theory can Eysenck's theory be combined with, and what is the problem with it?
Who said we should be looking for contradictory evidence of trait models?
Who found measures in questionnaire crucially affect which factors come out?
What is Briggs (1989) criticism of trait theories?
What is Mischel (1968; 1996) criticism of trait theories?
What are the five dimensions of Costa and McCrae (1992)?
Costa and McCrae (1992)'s neuroticism, extroversion and openess inventory revised, itemms have...
What are the six lower level traits of Costa and McCrae (1992)'s neuroticism?
What are the six lower level traits of Costa and McCrae (1992)'s extroversion?
What are the six lower level traits of Costa and McCrae (1992)'s openness to change?
What were the two dimensions of Wudnt's model and what was the problem with it?
What are the six lower level traits of Costa and McCrae (1992)'s agreeable?
What are the six lower level traits of Costa and McCrae (1992)'s conscientiousness?
What is the lexical hypothesis?
What analysis technique does the lexical hypothesis use?
What gives evidence for Costa and McCrae's (1992) model?
What is Eysenck's psychotism in Costa and McCrae's (1992) big five?
Who found neuropsychological evidence of Costa and McCrae's (1992) big five?
What areas did Adelstein et al. (2011) find related with neuroticism?
What areas did Adelstein et al. (2011) find related with extroversion?
What areas did Adelstein et al. (2011) find related with openness?
What areas did Adelstein et al. (2011) find related with agreeableness?
What areas did Adelstein et al. (2011) find related with conscientiousness?
What did Allport argue, and what is the significance of his research?
Why did Kline (2000) suggest it might be a gigantic three over big five?
What is the general evidence for the lexical hypothesis?
What are criticisms of big five?
What does HEXACO stand for in Ashton and Lee's (2007; 2008) model?
What did Ashton et al. (2000) find in a number of lexical studies?
Lee and Ashton (2008) HEXACO model has been identified in how many languages?
What are the two contexts of the HEXACO model?
What is Saucier (2002) criticism of HEXACO?
What is McDonald (2000) criticism of HEXACO?
How do the results of Musek (2007) suggest there may be one personality factor?