Creado por annjb2898
hace más de 10 años
Metal oxides and metal hydroxides are what?
A few bases are soluble in water, and are called what?
Give two examples of bases that are soluble in water.
When does neutralisation take place?
What is the word equation for neutralisation?
Some indicators show a sudden colour change at one pH value. What does universal indicator show?
Why does it do this?
In solution, all acids contain which ions?
What is the pH of an acid determined by?
The higher the concentration the lower or higher the pH?
Fill the gaps:
Neutralisation leaves .. .... H+ ions.
Alkalis contain which ions?
Neutralisation involves what reaction?
What do acids react with to form salts?
What are the word equations for making salt?
Salt names have two parts - what does the second part of the name show?
Give the second part of the salt name for each of these common acids:
Some common chemical equations for the neutralisation of acids by a base or metal carbonate can be constructed using what?
What the word equation for the reaction between hydrochloric acid and copper carbonate?
Write the balanced symbol equation for the reaction between hydrochloric acid and copper carbonate.