Haz click en los puntos naranjas y selecciona una respuesta correcta para cada uno de ellos
You work as a desktop technician for McRoberts Inc. Rick, a Sales Manager, has a desktop computer that runs Windows 7 Ultimate.
He wants to configure remote access on his computer. He does not want to allow remote users to connect to the computer unless he requests help.
The computer has only one user account (Rick) configured as Administrator.
(Select the all options)
{"7.16146_21.9207":[{"id":17272793,"answer":"No Change","x":7.16146,"y":21.9207},{"id":17272794,"answer":"Unchecked","x":7.16146,"y":21.9207}],"7.16146_58.0376":[{"id":17272783,"answer":"No Change","x":7.16146,"y":58.0376},{"id":17272784,"answer":"Select Don't allow connections to this..","x":7.16146,"y":58.0376}],"7.16146_64.5094":[{"id":17272781,"answer":"Change","x":7.16146,"y":64.5094},{"id":17272782,"answer":"No Change","x":7.16146,"y":64.5094}],"7.16146_72.4426":[{"id":17272785,"answer":"Select Allow connetions only from...","x":7.16146,"y":72.4426},{"id":17272786,"answer":"No Change","x":7.16146,"y":72.4426}]}
No Change, Unchecked
No Change, Select Don't allow connections to this..
Change, No Change
Select Allow connetions only from..., No Change