What is Rythm?
The pace of the ballad
Comparig something to something else
What is a simile?
Comparing two things using 'is'
Comparing two things using 'like' or 'as'
What is Rhyme?
Words that sound alike
Syllables that are stressed
What is a metaphor?
Stating that one thing 'is' something else
First letters are the same
What is personification?
When a non living thing does something that only living things can do
Letters that create an effect
What is symbolism?
When something represents something else in the story
when a non living thing is living
What is alliteration?
The first letters of some words match
When you use a verb next to an adjective
What is Onamatapia?
A sound in words
A comparison between a non living thing and a living thing
What is sensory imagery?
Something described using scenses
A word in sounds
What is repetition?
When you repeat a word or sentence
A comparison between assonance and a metaphor
What is contrast?
Interesting adjectives
Comparing twop things to show the difference
What is assonance?
Repetition of a sound or vowel
The pace of poem