Non può averlo detto.
He can't have said that.
He couldn't say that.
Non sopporto quel rumore lancinante.
I can't beat that piercing noise.
I don't beat that piercing noise.
Come puoi averlo perso? Era proprio qui.
How can you have lost it? It was right here.
How could you have lost it? It was right here.
Non potevi averlo visto. Era già partito.
You can't have seen him. He has already left.
You couldn't have seen him. He had already left.
Puoi aprire la cassaforte? No, ha una chiusura a tempo.
Can you open this safe? Non, there is a time lock.
Can you open this safe? Non, it has a time lock.
Sai aprire questa cassaforte? Ma certo. Sono il miglio scassinatore sulla piazza.
Can you open this safe? Sure, I am the best burglar on the market.
Could you open this safe? Sure, I am the best burglar on the market.
Non riesco a capire cosa vuole.
I can't understand what he wants.
I don't understand what he wants.
Riesco a stento a capirla.
I can barely understand her.
I cannot understand her.
Mio figlio è assolutamente negato per il canto.
My son can't sing to save his life.
My son couldn't sing to save his life.
Niente potrebbe essere più lontano dalla realtà.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Nothing can be further from the truth.
Potevamo vedere le montagne dalla terrazza.
We could see the mountains from our balcony.
We can see the mountains from our balcony.
Come potevo fare in un anno quell che altri avevano fatto in due?
How could I do in one year what others had done in two?
How could I do in one year what others did in two?
Ce la fai a portare la borsa?
Can you carry the bag?
May you carry the bag?
Non puoi abbassare la voce?
Can you loud down the voice?
Can't you keep your voice down?
Puoi sempre dormire da me.
You can always sleep at my place?
You could always sleep at my place?
Puoi farmi un favore?
Can You do me a favor?
Could You do me a favor?
Puoi portarmi la macchina fotografica?
Can you bring me your camera?
May you bring me your camera?
Potevamo fare qualsiasi cosa.
We could do anything.
We can do anything.
I bambini potrebbero aiutarmi a spostare le sedie.
The children could help me to move the chairs.
The children can help me to move the chairs.
Potrei parlare con i responsabile?
Could I speak to the person in charge
Could I speak with the person in charge
Chi può essere adesso?
Who can it be now?
Who can be now?
È al lavoro? Può essere.
Is he working? It may be.
Is he at work ? It could be.
Ci potrebbe essere vita su Marte?
There could be life on Mars?
It could be life on Mars?
Come cavolo avremmo potuto saperlo?
How on earth could we have known?
How on earth could we know?
No ci può essere alcun dubbio.
There can't be any doubt.
There ca be no doubt.
Quando siamo arrivati in cia, si poteva vedere la città.
When we arrived at the top , we can see the town.
When we reached at the top, we could see the town.
Sentivo le cipolle nella minestra.
We could taste the onions in the soup.
We can feel the onions in the soup.
Sento che brucia qualcosa.
I can smell that something burns.
I can smell that something burning.
Non ci vedeva molto bene.
He couldn't see very well.
He can't see very well.
Ti ricordi il mio cugino?
Can you remember my cousin?
Do you remember my cousin?
Papà ha detto che potevamo andare.
Daddy said that we could go.
Daddy said that we can go.
Puoi prendere il mil posto. Sto andandomene.
You can have my seat. I am going.
You can take my seat. I am going.
Non posso fare a meno di cantare stonato. Sì che puoi. Potresti stare zitto.
I can't sing. You can do, you could be silente.
I can't help singing. Of course, You can, you could keep quiet.
Che altro avrei potuto fare?
What else I could have done?
What else I could do?
Non poteva fare sul serio.
She couldn't be serious.
She can't be serious.
Posso entrare?
May I enter?
May I come in?
Puoi fare come ti pare.
You may as you wish.
You may how you like.
Potete dire ciò che vi piace.
You might say what you like.
You may say what you please.
Posso chiedere perché
May I ask why?
Can I ask why?
Posso uscire un momento?
May I left for a moment?
May I be excused for a moment?
Como posso esserLe utile? O la stanno già servendo?
How may I help you? Or are you already being waited on?
How could I help you? Or are you already being waited on?
Mi passa gentilmente il Signor Smith? Chi posso dire che lo chiama?
May you pass me Mr Smith? Who can I say called him ?
Will you kindly put me through to Mr Smith? Who may I say is calling?
Mi chiedo se potrei prendermi un giorno di permesso.
I wonder if I might take a day off.
I wonder if I can take a day off.
Potrebbe farlo (tentative)
He might do it.
He can do it.
Può farlo. Non sarò d'intralcio.
He can do it. I won't in his way.
He may do it. I won't in his way.
Potremmo pure andarcene.
We might as well go.
We can as well go.
Disse che la notizia poteva essere vera.
He said that the news could be true.
He said that the news might be true.
Potrei perfino perdere il posto.
I might even lose my job.
I can even lose my job.
Potrebbe aiutarvi. Val la pena fare un tentativo.
He might help you. It worth to try.
He might help you. It's worth giving to try.
L'imputato può sempre appellarsi.
The defendant may always appeal.
The defendant can always appeal.
E tu chi may saresti?
And who might you be?
And who could you be?
Quanto ancora potrebbe peggiorare le cose?
How much might be worse the things?
How much worse might things get ?
Aspettiamoli. Potrebbero ancora venire.
Let's wait for them. They might still come.
Let's wait for them. They can still come.
Può darsi che non riusciremo may.
We may never succeed.
We may never get.
Temevo che potesse avere un collasso nervoso.
I feared he might have a nervous break down.
I feared he may have a nervous break down.
Potrebbe benissimo essere così.
It might be very well like that.
That may well be so
Qualcun altro avrebbe potuto benissimo farlo.
Someone else might well have done it.
Someone else could well havedone it.
Forse è opportuno consultare un bravo medico.
It may be wise to consult a good doctor
It can be wise to consult a good doctor
Forse non viene più. Magari se ne sarà scordato.
He may not come more. He might forget about it.
He may not be coming any more. He might hove forgot about it.
Sia come sia, questa è la nostra ultima parola.
Be that as it may, this is our last word.
Be that as it could, this is our last word.
Forse ti toccherà faxargli il documento.
You may fax him the document.
You may have to fax him the document.
Forse Lei non si ricorda di me, ma io mi ricordo di Lei.
You may not remember me, but I remember you.
You can not remember me, but I remember you.
Gli stranieri non sono ammessi senza un viso.
The strangers may not come in without a visa.
Foreigners may not enter without a visa.
Può darsi che abbia fatto dello straordinario.
He may have worked overtime.
He can have done overtime.
Può aver avuto le sue buone ragioni.
He may have had his good reasons.
He can have had his good reasons.
Forse è stata venduta.
It may have been sold.
It can have been sold.
Forse è stato trattenuto e interrogato dalla polizia.
He might have kept and interrogated by police.
He may have detained and questioned by the police.
Vinca il migliore!
It may win the best!
May the best one win!
Che si avverino tutti i tuoi sogni!
May all your dreams come true.
All your dreams may come true.
Che non metta mai più piedi in questa casa.
May he not come in again this house.
May he never set foot again in this house.
Poteva non fare sul serio.
She might not be serious.
She can not be serious.