Creado por Guilherme Benner Martelli
hace más de 7 años
addition operator
subtraction operator
not operator
multiplication operator
division operator
modulus operator
Shift left operator
Shift Right Operator
zero fill shift right operator
What is the data type of x*y?
int x = 1;
long y = 33;
What is the data type of x+y?
double x = 39.21;
float y = 2.1;
What is the data type of x+y?
double x = 39.21;
float y = 2.1f;
What is the data type of x/y?
short x = 10;
short y = 3;
What is the data type of x*y/z?
short x = 14;
float y = 13f;
double z = 30;
boolean z != 0;
int x = 3;
int y = ++x*5/x--+--x;