Ancient Greece


1º de ESO Historia Flashcards on Ancient Greece, created by Lorena Garcia on 27/01/2018.
Lorena Garcia
Flashcards by Lorena Garcia, updated more than 1 year ago
Lorena Garcia
Created by Lorena Garcia about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Definition of: - Helladic culture - Polis. - Helladic culture: When the polis share culture,language and religion -Polis: independent cities with their own laws and governors(Athens,Sparta
- What are the 3 civilisations in Greece? 1) European Greece 2)Asian Greece 3)Greek islands
-What is the first period of ancient greece?
And last period of ancient greece?
- Why greeks have problems to harvest? Because they lived in mountanious places and they have mediterranean climate with low rainfall
why was sea trade developed? Because it was very dificult to travel overland because of mountains
What was the first period of greece?
what was the last period of ancuent greece?
What were the origins of greece? In bronze and iron age minoan civilisation invade greek islands later thery were replace by mycenean civilisation(both were linked eith near east culture)
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