Flyers vocabulary: Transport


NVQ (National Vocational Qualification) Inglés Flashcards on Flyers vocabulary: Transport, created by Silvia Coca García on 01/08/2018.
Silvia Coca García
Flashcards by Silvia Coca García, updated more than 1 year ago
Silvia Coca García
Created by Silvia Coca García over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
traffic It´s the movement of vehicles, especially cars, buses, etc.
rocket It´s a spacecraft used to travel outer space.
journey Something suggesting travel from one place to another one, especially by road.
tyre It´s the rubber around the wheel.
passenger A person who is travelling from one place to another in a car, plane, etc.
railway A system on tracks on which trains travel.
motorway A large and wide highway used for travelling at high speeds over long distances.
spaceship A vehicle used for space travel.
fire engine/truck You can see them in fire stations. Firemen use them to put out fires.
wheel One of the round parts underneath a car, wagon, etc that rolls and allows something to move.
platform A flat area near railroad tracks where people wait for a train or subway.
racing The sport or proffesion of racing cars, horses, etc.
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