Ket vocabulary: Shopping, animals and adjectives


NVQ (National Vocational Qualification) Inglés Flashcards on Ket vocabulary: Shopping, animals and adjectives, created by Silvia Coca García on 01/08/2018.
Silvia Coca García
Flashcards by Silvia Coca García, updated more than 1 year ago
Silvia Coca García
Created by Silvia Coca García about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Customer This is the person who buys something in a store.
Leaflet It´s a small printed piece of paper with information that is given to people. It doesn´t cost money.
Half price It´s when the price of something is 50% less.
Queue When people are in a line, one after the other.
Free It´s when you don´t pay anything at all.
(On) sale It´s when you buy something at a reduced price.
Cash It´s when you pay in coins or paper money, not with a credit card.
Store To place or leave in a location (such as a warehouse, library, or computer memory) for preservation or later use or disposal.
Staff A group of people who work for an organization or business.
Size Amount of space occupied by someone or something; how large or small someone or something is.
Make up Cosmetics (such as lipstick, mascara, and eye shadow) used to color and beautify the face ; a cosmetic applied to other parts of the body leg makeup for a tanned appearance.
Advert(istment) A public notice, especially one published in the press or broadcast over the air.
Large Great in size or amount.
Ostrich It´s a very large bird that can run very fast, but it can´t fly.
Goose/geese It´s a bird that is larger than a duck and has got a long neck.
Luck Producing a good result by chance.
Pleased To make (someone) happy or satisfied.
Unusual Not normal or usual; not commonly seen, heard, etc.
Amazing Causing astonishment, great wonder, or surprise.
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