
Vocabulary unit 4 english
Eve_guz Z
Flashcards by Eve_guz Z, updated more than 1 year ago
Eve_guz Z
Created by Eve_guz Z over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
BLOW (STH) AWAY PHRASAL VERB To move and make currents of air, or to be moved or make something move on a current of air
BURN (STH) DOWN PHRASAL VERB To destroy something. especially a building, by fire, or to be destroyed by fire
COME OUT PHRASAL VERB SUN when the sun, the moon, or star comes out, it appears in the sky
FLOOD NOUN WATER a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry
FLOW VERB If something such as a .iquid flows, ir moves somewhere in a smooth, continuous away.
FORECAST NOUN A report saying what the weather is likely to be like
HANG OUT PHRASAL VERB To spend a lot of time in a place with someone
LIGHTNING NOUN A sudden flash or light in the sky during a storm
POUR VERB RAIN to rain a lot
POWER NOUN ELECTRICITY energy, usually electricity, that is used to provide light, heat,etc.
PUT STH OUT PHRASAL VERB To make something that is burning stop burning
RISE NOUN INCREASE an increase in the revel of something
SPLIT (STH) UP PHRASAL VERB To divide into smaller parts or groups, or to divide something into samller parts or groups.
TORNADO NOUN an extremely strong and dangerous wind that blows in a circle and destroys building as it moves along.
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