Verbos de cocina / Cooking verbs


Verbos de cocina en ingles
Xaqueline Castillo
Flashcards by Xaqueline Castillo, updated more than 1 year ago
Xaqueline Castillo
Created by Xaqueline Castillo over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
to season / to dress aderezar, aliñar
to shake, stir agitar
to add agregar, añadir
to roast asar
to grill asar a la parrilla
to beat batir
to heat calentar
to steam cocer al vapor
to cook cocinar
to freeze congelar
to cut cortar
to cover cubrir
to flip/to turn over dar la vuelta
to decorate decorar
to melt derretir
to defrost descongelar
to grease engrasar
to flour enharinar
to squeeze exprimir
to fry freir
to stew guisar
to boil hervir
to bake hornear
to fill llenar
to mix / to blend mezclar
to peel pelar
to mince meat picar carne
to chop picar, cortar en trozos
to put poner
to grate rallar
to stuff rellenar
to stir remover
to sprinkle rociar
to break romper
to remove sacar,quitar
to serve servir
to empty vaciar
to pour verter, volcar
to spread untar
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