Group 9 - Irregular Verbs Past Participle


Here you'll find the most used verbs in English classified by their endings. These flashcards are designed to practice the past participle forms of the Irregular verbs.
Remei Gomez Gracia
Flashcards by Remei Gomez Gracia, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Remei Gomez Gracia
Created by Remei Gomez Gracia almost 6 years ago
Remei Gomez Gracia
Copied by Remei Gomez Gracia over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
write written
choose chosen
freeze frozen
speak spoken
awake awoken
break broken
steal stolen
ride ridden
rise risen
shake shaken
take taken
overtake overtaken
mistake mistaken
fall fallen
forget forgotten
hide hidden
bite bitten
beat beaten
swear sworn
tear torn
wear worn
forbid forbidden
give given
forgive forgiven
drive driven
eat eaten
get got/gotten
show shown
wake woken
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