Monologs B1


Cards to practice the monologs
Isabel Andrés
Flashcards by Isabel Andrés, updated more than 1 year ago
Isabel Andrés
Created by Isabel Andrés almost 6 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
First impressions What gives you a good first impression? Are your first impressions reliable? What first impression do you think you give?
Housing What's housing like where you live? Advantages and disadvantages of sharing a house. The best housing options for you.
Travelling Positive aspects of travelling abroad. Te best people to travel with. A place you would like to visit.
Good Memory It is important to have a good memory? Why? How to improve one's memory. What you do when you want to remember something.
Education The importance of a good education for children. Reasons to get or not a university degree. Something you would like to learn.
Eating Habits Healthy eating habits. What are the typical eating habits in your country. Unhealthy eating habits you would like to change.
The Media The most popular media nowadays. How do you get informed? What type of news are you interested in?
Celebrations Typical celebrations in Spain. Celebrations and festivals you like and why. Celebrations you dislike and why.
Daily Routines What type of daily routine do you have? Can you change something to improve it? Unexpected situations that can alter your daily routine.
Shopping The kind of buyer you are When and where you usually go shopping. Something you should have not bought.
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