Natural landscapes in temperate climates


Exámenes Exámenes (Examenes) Flashcards on Natural landscapes in temperate climates, created by David Andrino on 03/12/2014.
David Andrino
Flashcards by David Andrino, updated more than 1 year ago
David Andrino
Created by David Andrino about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Mediterranean forests and scrublands Mediterranean climate
Vegetation of Mediterranean forests and scrublands Trees not very tall likeholm oaks and corn oaks. There's a large areas of scrubland with rosemary.
Humid sub-tropical forests In humid sub-tropical climate
Vegetation of humid subtropical forests Species of both tropical latitudes
Fauna of humid subtropical forests Different animals and birds
Decidius forests Maritime climate
Vegetation of deciduous forests Deciduous leaves. If the forest deteriorates, we can find bushes.
Coniferous forests (Taiga) Continental climate
Vegetation of taiga Mainly coniferous trees
Fauna of taiga Bears, deer, lynxes....
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