Natural disasters


Flashcards on Natural disasters, created by Ana Sánchez on 29/03/2019.
Ana Sánchez
Flashcards by Ana Sánchez, updated more than 1 year ago
Ana Sánchez
Created by Ana Sánchez almost 6 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
DROUGHT A long period where there is little or no rain, and the ground gets really dry.
GALE A very strong wind
LANDSLIDE A collapse of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff
FLOOD An enormous amount of water that covers the ground
AVALANCHE A large amount of ice, snow, and rock falling quickly down the side of a mountain
TSUNAMI An extremely large wave caused by a violent movement of the earth under the sea
BLIZZARD A severe snow storm with strong winds:
HEAT WAVE A period of days during which the weather is much hotter than usual
FOREST FIRE A fire burning in an area of land with many trees, that is difficult to control and sometimes spreads quickly. (wild fire)
VOLCANIC ERUPTION It occurs when a volcano ejects a stream of gas and ash and releases lava. The eruption can be calm or explosive.
DUST STORM A strong, turbulent wind which carries clouds of dust, soil, and sand over a large area
HAILSTORM A storm in which a lot of small balls of ice (hail) fall like rain
THUNDER A loud rumbling or crashing noise which is heard after a lightning
LIGHTNING Abrupt electric discharge from cloud to cloud or from cloud to earth accompanied by the emission of light
EARTHQUAKE A sudden violent movement of the earth's surface, sometimes causing great damage
HURRICANE A violent wind that has a circular movement. Term used in the North Atlantic, central North Pacific, and eastern North Pacific Oceans.
TYPHOON A violent wind that has a circular movement. Term used in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
TORNADO A strong, dangerous wind that forms itself into an upside-down spinning cone and is able to destroy buildings as it moves across the ground
STORM An extreme weather condition with very strong wind, heavy rain, and often thunder and lightning
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