State-of-the-Art: Materials development


State-of-the-Art Article Materials development for language learning and teaching Brian Tomlinson
Sebastián Silva Torres
Flashcards by Sebastián Silva Torres, updated more than 1 year ago
Sebastián Silva Torres
Created by Sebastián Silva Torres almost 6 years ago
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State-of-the-Art: Materials development Brian Tomlinson Materials can be informative (informing the learner about the target language)
Instructional (guiding the learner in practising the language) Experiential (providing the learner with experience of the language in use)
Eliciting (encouraging the learner to use the language) Exploratory (helping the learner to make discoveries about the language).
‘Materials development’ refers to all the processes made use of by practitioners who produce and/or use materials for language learning Including materials evaluation, their adaptation, design, production, exploitation and research.
MATERIALS EVALUATION Many of the lists of evaluation criteria in the literature above are specific to a context of learning and cannot be transferred to other contexts without considerable modification. MATERIALS ADAPTATION
Good teachers are always adapting the materials they are using to the context in which they are using them In order to achieve the optimal congruence between , methodology, learners, objectives, the target language and the teacher’s personality and teaching style.
One problem with the tasks is that they are not situated in a specific learning context, even though one of the main objectives of adaptation is to make the materials of more value to the students using them. MATERIALS PRODUCTION
-Language materials cannot only be shaped by research but need to suit the contexts in which they are used. -Take into account the needs of the students. -What is the purpose of my material? -There are very few publications offering practical guidance to materials writers on how to develop effective materials.
Issues in materials development: -The value of textbooks -The need for published materials -Pedagogic approaches -Authenticity of texts and tasks - Acceptability -Humanising materials -Ideology in materials -The roles of new technologies in language-learning materials.
TO SUM UP Teachers haS to be trained in materials development for be more critical and to be more willing, confident and able to localise and personalise their coursebooks for their learners. It is a hard work but teachers can face the obstacles of creating materials.
"What I think will happen in the future is that materials will increasingly be delivered electronically through computers and smartphones..."
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