Created by Irene Martinez
almost 6 years ago
Question | Answer |
Health (binary/octet-stream)
salud |
A cough
Cough (binary/octet-stream)
Tos |
A rash
Rash (binary/octet-stream)
Una erupción |
A temperature | fiebre |
allergic | alérgico |
Allergic reaction | Reacción alérgica |
AME band aid | Tirita |
Ankle is Swollen | Tobillo esta hinchado |
antibiotics | antibióticos |
antihistamine tablets | tabletas antihistamínicas |
antiseptic cream | crema antiséptica |
asthma | asma |
Back aches | Dolores de espalda |
Back hurts | Duele la espalda |
band aid | tirita, curita |
bandage | venda |
bandage | vendaje |
Being sick | Estar enfermo |
Bleeding | Sangrar |
Blister | Ampolla |
blood | sangre |
Burnt | Quemado |
chickenpox | varicela |
Choking | Asfixia |
Cold | resfriado |
crutch | muleta |
Cut himself | Cortarse |
diarrhoea | Diarrea |
disease | enfermedad (específica) |
Dizzy | Mareado |
doctor | médico |
earache | dolor de oidos |
faint | desmallarse |
Fainted | Se desmayó |
family doctor | médico de cabecera |
flu | gripe |
flu | gripe |
Food poisoning | Comida envenenada |
have stitches | tener puntos de sutura |
Headache | Dolor de cabeza |
heart attack | infarto |
heart disease | cardiopatía |
hepatitis | hepatitis |
hight/low blood pressure | presión arterial alta / baja |
hospital | hospital |
illness | enfermedad (en general) |
infection | infección |
injection | inyección |
injury | herida |
medicine | medicina |
mumps | paperas |
nurse | enfermera |
painful | doloroso |
painkillers | analgésicos |
painless | indoloro |
pill | pastilla, píldora |
plaster | yeso |
prescription | receta médica |
smallpox | viruela |
Sneezing | Estornudo |
Sore throat | Dolor de garganta |
sprained | torcerse |
sprained ankle | Esguince de tobillo |
stomach ache | dolor de estómago |
Sunburn | Quemadura de sol |
to be allergic to | ser alérgico a |
to be constipated | estar estreńido |
to be exhausted | estar agotado |
to be tired | estar cansado |
to blow one's nose | sonarse la nariz |
to break one's arm | quebrarse el brazo |
to catch a cold | atrapar un resfrío |
to cough | toser |
to faint | desmayarse |
to feel dizzy | estar mareado |
to feel good | sentirse bien |
to feel sick | tener náuseas |
to get a bruise | magullarse |
to get burnt | quemarse |
to have a black eye | tener un ojo morado |
to have a cold | major |
to have a cough | tener tos |
to have a headache | tener dolor de cabeza |
to have a rash | tener erupciones, sarpullido |
to have a sore throat | tener dolor de garganta |
to have a stomach ache | tener dolor de estómago |
to have a temperature | tener fiebre |
to have backache | tener dolor de espalda |
to have constipation | tener estreńimiento |
to have diarrhoea | tener diarrea |
to have earache | tener dolor de oídos |
to have spots | tener granitos |
to have toothache | tener dolor de dientes |
to hurt | doler |
to lose one's appetite | perder el apetito |
to lose one's voice | quedarse afónico |
to pass out | desmayarse |
to sneeze | estornudar |
to sprain one's ankle | tener un esguince en el tobillo |
to suffer from | sufrir de |
to swell | hincharse |
to take a medicine | tomar un medicamento |
to take an aspirin | tomar una aspirina |
to throw up | vomitar |
to twist one's ankle | torcerse el tobillo |
to vomit | vomitar |
toothache | dolor de muelas |
twisted | torcerse |
ulcer | úlcera |
Unconscious | Inconsciente |
vaccine | vacuna |
Vomiting | Vómito |
wheelchair | silla de ruedas |
wound | herida (por un arma) |
Lie down | Acostarse/ tumbarse |
passed out | Desmayado |
came round | Venir |
get over | superalo |
throw up | vomitar |
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