Irregular verbs: past form


This set of flashcards helps students practice the past simple and past participle forms of irregular verbs.
Andrés Quevedo
Flashcards by Andrés Quevedo, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrés Quevedo
Created by Andrés Quevedo over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Buy bought - bought
Think thought - thought
Can could
Be was/were - been
Come came - come
See saw - seen
Run ran - run
Bring brought - brought
Take took - taken
Sit sat - sit
Make made - made
Meet met - met
stand stood - stood
Ring rang - rung
Write wrote - written
Read read - read
Teach taught - taught
Wear wore - worn
Swim swam - swum
Win won - won
SIng sang - sung
Tell told - told
Steal stole - stolen
Spend spent - spent
Speak spoke - spoken
Pay paid - paid
Lose lost - lost
Know knew - known
Have had - had
Grow grew - grown
Forget forgot - forgotten
Feel felt - felt
Drive drove - driven
Eat ate - eaten
Drink drank - drunk
Drive drove - driven
Do did - done
Catch caught - caught
Become became - become
Begin began - begun
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