Created by Alejo M.A.F
over 5 years ago
Question | Answer |
graffiti | pintada |
green space | espacio verde |
homeless | sintecho |
juvenile delinquency | delincuencia juvenil |
litter | basura |
low-income | ingresos bajos |
mayor | alcalde |
poverty | pobreza |
residential area | area residencial |
slum | barrio bajo (de mala calidad) |
suburb | suburbio |
traffic jam | atasco |
unemployment | desempleo |
assume | asumir |
attempt | intento |
develop a theory | desarrollar una teoria |
disturbed | perturbado |
get to the bottom of | investigar hasta el fondo |
look into | examinar |
missing | perdido |
notice | darse cuenta |
occurrence | ocurrencia |
research | investigacion |
reveal | revelar |
source | fuente |
turn out | apagar |
vanish | desaparecer |
wonder | preguntarse |
anxious | ansioso |
corpse | cadaver |
dust | polvo |
eruption | erupcin |
flame | llama |
flashing | brillante |
glowing | brillante |
haunted | obsesionado |
laughter | risa |
proof | prueba |
relief | alivio |
roar | rugido |
shadow | sombra |
smoke | humo |
wave | hola |
whisper | susurrar |
advisor | tutor |
ally | aliado |
army | ejercito |
assassination | asesinato |
crown | corona |
downfall | caida |
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