

Segundo Science (Landscapes) Flashcards on Landscapes, created by Lucia Hernandez on 20/01/2015.
Lucia Hernandez
Flashcards by Lucia Hernandez, updated more than 1 year ago
Lucia Hernandez
Created by Lucia Hernandez about 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Different land forms in a landscape Relief
Everything we can see in an area Landscape
Characteristics of a landscape that have been made by nature Natural features
Characteristics of a landscape that people have made Man-made features
Group of mountains Mountain range
Top of a mountain Summit
Sides of a mountain Slopes
Bottom part of a mountain Foot
Area of low land between mountains Valley
Low and large area of flat land plain
Area of flat land that is high, with steep sides plateau
area of flat land where people plant crop
area of low, flat land near the sea beach
high wall of rock next to the sea cliff
Part of the landscape where the sea goes into the land Bay
Part of the land that goes into the sea Cape
area of land that is surrounded by water island
group of islands archipelago
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