Sociales temas 7 y 8


Exámenes Exámenes (Examenes) Flashcards on Sociales temas 7 y 8, created by David Andrino on 03/02/2015.
David Andrino
Flashcards by David Andrino, updated more than 1 year ago
David Andrino
Created by David Andrino about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Prehistory is divided into... ...Stone Age and Metal Age
Stone Age is divided into... Palaeolithic and Neolithic
Prehistory began at... ...first human beings
And ended at... ...fist writen word
Palaeolithic Age's climate The climate was cold, with temperate periods
People eats... They gathered wild fruits, hunted and fished
The people in the Palaeolithic Age live in... They were nomads and live in caves or in open-air settlements
They believe in... They believe in forces of nature and they buried their deads
Society in Palaeolithic age were... They lived in trives or hordes
What was society like? There was a hierarchy: -The men hunted and defended the tribe -The women looked after the children and gathered fruit
Their skills They can work with stone, make and controll fire and make cloth with animal hides
Art They made cave paintings There was schematic and usually represented animals
The most famous cave is the... Altamira cave
Neolithic 7000 B.C. - 3500 B.C.
Neolithic's climate In the neolithic the climate changed and new plants appered
Neolithic's food In the Neolithic, the men began to keep livestock and grow plants
Neolithic's Beliefs They belief in spirits and buried their deads
Neolithic's society There was a division of labour
Where did they live? They live in permanent settlements in round-shaped form
Neolithic's skills They can work with stone, use vegetal fibres and maked pots
Neolithic's art They made pots, idols and rock paintings.
Metal Age Divided into copper, bronze and iron age
The climate was... The climate was similar to stone age
They live from... Agriculture,livestock and trade
They lived in... They lived in permanent settlements, generally walled
They believe in... They belive in forces of nature
What was society like? There was a great division of labour, and a greater social difference
Skills Their skills were metalworking and agricultural tools
They made?(Art) They made Menhires(Large stones pused in the ground forming cromlech or alingments),Dolmens(Several vertical stones and a horizontal stone) and cave paintings
The bronze age in Sapin They make Megalithic contructions, Millaries, and Bell Beakers
The steel age in Spain El Argar, Talaiotic and tartessos were common
The iron age in Spain Levante and andalucia were inhabited by the Iberians; and in the north were the Celts
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