Vocabulary: Places and shops.


Flashcards on Vocabulary: Places and shops., created by silviacocag on 16/02/2015.
Flashcards by silviacocag, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by silviacocag about 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
I'm going to this place to buy comics and newspapers. Newsagent´s
I'm going to this place to wait for the bus. Bus stop
I'm going to this place to take out money. Bank
I'm going to this place to buy sausages and chicken. Butcher's
I'm going to this place to buy medicines. Chemist's
I'm going to this place to buy bread and cakes. Baker's
When I go to this place, I can see offices. Town Hall
I'm going to this place to buy lollipops and sweets. Sweet shop
I'm going to this place to buy flowers and plants. Florist's
I'm going to this place to catch the train. Train/Railway station
I´m going to this place to eat. Restaurant
I´m going to this place to buy balls and games. Toy shop
I´m going to this place to read in silence or study. Library
I´m going to this place to buy trousers and T-shirts. Clothes shop
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