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Created by iciar de yraola
about 5 years ago
Question | Answer |
fuera | out |
el mundo | the world |
caro | expensive |
comida rápida | fast food |
celebrar un cumpleaños | celebrate a birthday |
salir a cenar | go out for dinner |
ordenador | computer |
portatil | laptop |
regalo | present |
películas | movies/films |
estar en contacto | to keep in touch |
buscar información | look for information |
descargar | download |
canciones | songs |
hablar con | chat |
imprimir | |
estar seguro | be safe |
mantenerse en forma | keep fit |
tener prisa | be in a hurry |
llegar tarde | be late |
metro | underground |
ahorrar | save money |
peligroso | dangerous |
llevo bailando...... | I have being dancing.... |
inspirar | inspire |
lugar | place |
acordarse | remember |
emocionante | thrilling exciting |
abrir | to open |
alegría | hapiness |
lleno | full |
ritmo | rhythm |
quitar me quita | take away take me away |
mi propia | my own |
compartir | to share |
perder perdido | to lose lost |
oficina de correos | postoffice |
de piel | leather/fair |
llaves | keys |
bolso | bag |
plaza mayor | main square |
intercambio | school exchange |
edificio | building |
acabo de volver | have just arrived |
un montón | a lot |
entusiasmar | to thrill to |
alumnos | students |
servir | to serve, to offer |
asignaturas | subjects |
variedad | variety |
entender | to understand |
ayudar | to help |
opciones saludables | healthy choices |
evitar | to avoid |
hacer ejercicio | to exercise |
reducir | reduce |
azúcar | sugar |
acostarse | to go to bed |
polideportivo | sports centre |
exigente | demanding |
fácil | easy |
llevo trabajando.... | i have been working..... |
ocio | leisure |
cuidar | to take care |
aburrirse | to get bored |
"echar de menos" | to miss |
disfrutar | to enjoy |
tratar con la gente | to deal with people |
nunca | never |
adaptarse | to adapt yourself |
reserva | booking |
agencia | agency |
haber sobrevivido | have survided |
romper | to break |
país extranjero | foreign country |
médicos | doctors |
la ayuda | the help |
olvidarse | to forget |
desgraciadamente | unfortunately |
maja | nice |
no saber qué hacer | don't know what to do |
cuidar | take care of...someone |
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