Modals (Cards)


Estefani Lugo
Flashcards by Estefani Lugo, updated more than 1 year ago
Estefani Lugo
Created by Estefani Lugo almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Modal Verbs! The best class ever! (Don't forget to turn the card) Are you ready?
MUst Affirmative: Logical conclusion Obligation Must (Mustn't) Negative: It does not exist Prohibition
Have To Affirmative: Necessity Have To (Not Have To) Negative: Lack of necessity
May Affirmative: Possible permission May (May Not) Negative: Possible prohibition
Might Affirmative: Possibility Might (Might Not) Negative: Possibility
Can Affirmative: Ability Permission Can (Can't) Negative: Lack of ability Prohibition Impossibility
Study a lot!
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