Infinitives and gerunds B1


Flashcards on Infinitives and gerunds B1, created by Yolanda Cabezas on 29/04/2020.
Yolanda Cabezas
Flashcards by Yolanda Cabezas, updated more than 1 year ago
Yolanda Cabezas
Created by Yolanda Cabezas over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the gerund, the infinitive with or without "to". Ready, Steady, Go
Emma's teachers aren't strict enough with her. They let her _____ (do) whatever she wants. DO Lent and make are followed by an infinitive without to
I'm really busy right now. Would you mind _____ (call) me back in 5 minutes? CALLING
My boss told me she wanted _____ (speak) to me in her office. TO SPEAK
We decided _____ (not buy) her a birthday present because we weren't sure what she wanted. NOT TO BUY The negative form of the infinitive is made by adding "not" before the infinitive
Have you ever thought of _____ (go) back to live in Scotland or are you happy in Cantabria? GOING Prepositions are followed by a gerund
James offered _____ (take care) of my dog while I was on holidays. TO TAKE CARE
Has Pauline finished _____ (use) the hairdrier? I need _____ (dry) my hair now. USING TO DRY
_____ (Listen) to people who have nothing to say is a waste of time. LISTENING When a verb is the subject of the sentence, use the gerund.
I would like my dog _____ (do) some nice tricks. TO DO would like is followed by a to-infinitive, never by a gerund Like can be followed by both inf. and gerund
Her teachers think she should _____ (study) engineering. She is very good at _____ (design) tools. STUDY DESIGNING
Do you think they'd like _____ (work) with wild animals or would they find it too dangerous? TO WORK
I hope _____ (save) enough money to go to Russia for a month. TO SAVE
Have you ever thought about _____ (do) extreme sports? DOING
Tom wasn't surprised _____ (hear) that he had passed the exam. He had been studying for weeks. TO HEAR Adjectives are followed by an infinitive with to
Are you going to go on _____ (study) English at the EOI next year? STUDYING
They made me _____ (think) about it very seriously. THINK
I don't really feel like _____ (go out) tonight. Let's _____ (stay) in, just this time. GOING OUT STAY Here like is not a verb, it is a preposition
_____ (Work) with my computer late in the evening makes me _____ (feel) stressed. WORKING FEEL
The teacher asked his students _____ (stand up) and _____ (do) some yoga before the lesson. TO STAND UP (TO) DO
The doctor made me _____ (open) my mouth and _____ (cough) OPEN COUGH
The end
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