Synonyms of 80 Most Commonly Used Words in Ielts Writing


IELTS Vocabulary, Synonyms of 80 Most Commonly Used Words in Ielts Writing, Writing vocabulary
Andrés Camilo Castellanos
Flashcards by Andrés Camilo Castellanos, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrés Camilo Castellanos
Created by Andrés Camilo Castellanos about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Acceptable fitting, suitable, appropriate
Excellent magnificent, stunning, world-class
Awful Horrible, Repulsive, Despicable
Boring Mundane, Tiresome, Dull
Easy Simple, Straightforward, Effortless
Strong Powerful, Potent, Intense
Weak Shaky, Flimsy, Fragile
Irrelevant Useless, Meaningles, Trivial, Inconsequential
Teachers Mentors, Tutors, instructor, Coach, educator
Profession Vocation, Occupation, walk of life
Many Ample, Numerous, abundant
Uncertain Doubtful, questionable, unproven
Decrease Shrink, slump, diminish, Plunge
Stupid Dumb, Dense, idiotic
interesting Fascinating, enchanting, captivating
Old people Senior citizens, Aged Masses, senior individuals
Disadvantage Drawbacks, demerits
Result Consequence, repercussion
Government authorities, Bureaucrats
old outdated, Old- fashioned, antiquated
Development advancement, Progression
New contemporary, up-to-date, fresh
Smart Bright, Brilliant, sharp
Rich wealthy, well off
Poor needy, poverty-stricken
Student scholar, Trainee, Learner, Novice
lazy Sluggish, inactive, indolent
Freedom liberty, Autonomy
Useless Pointless, purposeless
Humble meek, respectuful, submissive
use employ, operate, consume
Reliable Dependable, well founded, trustworthy
Affordable inexpensive, economical, reasonable
Expensive costly, Precious, uneconomical
Good Rewarding, Satisfyng
key Role Essential role, significant role
Happy content, satisfied, gratified
Awkward Clumsy, uncoordinated
After Following, next
Right Accurate, correct
Before Prior, Earlier
Helpful useful, beneficial
Active Energetic, animated
Fake Artificial, synthetic
Condemm censure, Denounce
High lofty, Elevated
pleasing desirable, nice, fine
Qualified competent, suited, capable
Fast swift, speedy, hasty
Always Eternal, Perpetual, Everlasting
Thick Dense, Heavy, Compressed
Accept endorse, approve, ratify
come approach, advance, arrive
Cool frosty, chilly, frigid
Difference Disagreement, Contrast, Incompatibility
Funny amusing, comical
Make origate, construct, fabricate
Plan procedure, arrangement, intention
Show exhibit, portray, indicate
Anger enrage, inflame, furious
Bad immoral, contaminated, harmful
Delicious delectable, delightful
Have hold, posses, occupy
look gaze, glance, seek
Clean neat, orderly, well-organized
Old feeable, ancient, aged
Catch seize, hold, capture
Trouble anxiety, distress, danger
Upset Uncomfortable, Depressed
Contain consist, comprise, include
Gather accumulate, assemble, embrace
Live dwell, reside, survive
Die decease, pass away, expire
Think suppose, deem, consider
express indicate, narrate, point out
Do perform, accomplish, implement
Give offer, bestow, provide
Loan lend, advance, lease
Punish penalize, chastise, castigate
Disturb harass, bother, pester
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