Eating healthy vocabulary


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Lia H
Flashcards by Lia H, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
velvet D'mata
Created by velvet D'mata over 9 years ago
Lia H
Copied by Lia H almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Starchy food Starchy food: White, odorless and tasteless substance found in some foods and used as a thickener and stabilizer.
Whole grains Whole grains: Containing all the essential parts and nutrients of the entire grain seed.
Homemade (tomato sauce) Homemade: made at home.
Frozen (fruit and vegetables) Frozen: Just removed from freezer.
Oily fish Oily fish: Smeared with or containing oil.
Smoked fish Smocked fish: Preserved by treatment with smoke.
Canned (fish) Canned fish: Preserved in cans.
Lard Lard: The soft, white solid made by melting down and clarifying the fat of hogs.
Pastries Pastries: Pies, cakes or croissant.
Herbs Herbs: Flavorful plants used to season food in cooking or used as medicine.
Spices Spices: Strong scented plant substances that add flavors.
Citrus juice Citrus juice: Juice of citrus plants or fruits.
Mustard Mustard: The ground or powdered seeds of some plants often prepared as a past used as a pungent seasoning for foods.
Vinegar Vinegar: A sour liquid with pungent odor, made by fermenting wine, cidar or malt used as condiment or preservative.
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