Created by Nicolle Sanchez
over 4 years ago
Question | Answer |
PROTECTIVE BREATHING EQUIPMENT | is a portable, self-contained, personal smoke hood designed to safeguard flight attendants and cabin crewmembers from the effects of smoke, carbon dioxide, harmful gases and oxygen deficiency while managing in-flight fire, smoke or fume emergencies. |
TORCH | It is typically found next to, on, or inside, each flight attendant's jump seat and is for use in an emergency situation where there has been a loss of cabin electrics. |
LIFE JACKET | is a piece of equipment designed to assist a wearer to keep afloat in water. |
LIFT RAFT | is a small, rigid or inflatable boat carried for emergency evacuation in the event of a disaster aboard a ship. |
RADIO BEACON | Is a radio device on beard to give out emergency singnals an particular frequencies in case of an emergency. |
MEGAPHONE | Used by crew to enable them to direct emergency evacuation procedures by being heard over various sounds. |
OXYGEN MASK | Canisters of pure oxygen place in the cabin for first aid. |
SMOKE HOOD | Is a protective device similar in concept to a gas mask. a translucent airtight bag seats around the head of the wearer while an air filter held in the mouth connects to the outside atmosphere and is used to breathe. |
OXYGEN BOTTLE | Provides a constant flow breathing system for up to 3 passengers or crew member. |
FIRE GLOVES | Is to protect your hands from extreme heat. |
FIRE AXE | Is to assist in cutting or hacking exits of any area that is blocked. |
FIRE EXTINGISHER | Is a device used to contain and overcome fire. There are two types: halon and water extingishers. |
SLIDE RAFT | Is an inflatable slide used to evacuate an aircraft quickly during emergency landing. |
MEDICAL KIT | Is a basic first aid kit may contain: plasters in a variety of different sizes and shapes. small, medium and large sterile gauze dressings. at least 2 sterile eye dressings. Is more advanced. |
FIRST AID KIT | Is a basic kit to give first aid.The approved first aid items for domestic airline flights include: Gauze pads. Bandage scissors (blades less than four inches) ... Adhesive bandages. |
SEAT BELTS | Seat belts are required and designed to ensure passenger safety and reduce the risk of injury, particularly during deceleration, turbulence and unplanned or difficult to predict events. |
SAFETY CARD | is a document instructing passengers on an aircraft about the procedures for dealing with various emergency conditions that might arise during the flight. |
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