Fichas vocabulario


Hilda Magdalena Chávez Castro
Flashcards by Hilda Magdalena Chávez Castro, updated more than 1 year ago
Hilda Magdalena Chávez Castro
Created by Hilda Magdalena Chávez Castro over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Being assigned to detention = ser asignado a detencion
Being punctual = ser puntual
Being rude = Ser rudo
Bullying = Acoso
Cheating = Engañando
Following the dress code = siguiendo el codigo de vestimenta
Getting sent to the principal's office = Ser enviado a la oficina del director
Getting extra credit = Obtener credito extra
Wearing a uniform = Vistiendo un uniforme
Winning a prize = Ganar un premio
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