
Marian Ruiz
Flashcards by Marian Ruiz, updated more than 1 year ago
Marian Ruiz
Created by Marian Ruiz almost 10 years ago
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Resource summary

Question Answer
Ecology is... the study of organisms and the environments they live in
Abiotic factors are the physical and chemical elements in an ecosystem, which affects living organisms.
Biotic factors are the effects which other organisms have on a living being in its environment.
Biosphere is the live zone of the Earth. It includes all living organisms and all organic matter
An individual is any living thing or organism.
Population Is a group of individuals of a given species that live in a specific geographic area at a given time.
Community It includes all the populations in a specific area at a given time.
Ecosystem includes more than a community of living organisms (biotic) interacting with the environment (abiotic).
Biome It is a set of ecosystems sharing similar characteristics with their abiotic factors adapted to their environments.
Food chain It is the order in which animals and plants eat each other in order to survive
Tertiary consumers They feed on primary and secondary consumers. Some of them are omnivores that eat both plants and animals.
Secondary consumers Usually eat animal material - they are carnivores.
Primary consumers Usually eat plant material - they are herbivores
Producers Organisms that make their own food by photosynthesis.
FOOD WEBS They show how plants and animals are connected in many ways to help them all survive.
Decomposers They release nutrients, that return to the soil, when they break down dead organisms.
In the cycle of energy the energy has a unidirectional flow.
In the cycle of matter Matter has a cyclical flow, it is recycled.
Interspecific relations are interactions among organisms of different species.
Mutualism both species benefit from their relationship.
Depredation A predator is an organism that eats another organism. The prey is the organism which the predator eats.
Parasitism... is a relationship in which one organism (the parasite) benefits while the other (the host) is harmed.
Commensalism is a symbiotic relationship between two organisms of different species in which one derives some benefit while the other is unaffected.
Inquilinism is a specific form of commensalism in which one organism uses another organism for housing.
An adaptation ... is a special feature or behavior that helps an organism survive in its environment.
Say 3 examples of adapations to humidity in a terrestrial ecosystem stomata, spines, exoskeleton, substances, scales
Say 3 examples of adapations to light in a terrestrial ecosystem height, large leaves, nocturnal activity
Say 2 examples of adapations to TEMPERATURE in a terrestrial ecosystem poikilotherms homeotherms
Say 3 examples of adapations to light in an aquatic ecosystem pigments, shape, bioluminiscense
Say 3 examples of adapations to water movement in an aquatic ecosystem fixed to surfaces, shelter, round shape, ways fish swim
Say 3 examples of adapations to pressure in an aquatic ecosystem flat body shape, swim bladder, hydrodynamic shape
Freshwater ecosystems • Relatively small in area ~ 1.8% of earth's surface. • Support many species of life including fish, amphibians, insects and plants. • Examples: rivers and lagoons.
Terrestrial Ecosystems • Many & diverse types of ecosystems. There are seven major types. • Location usually dependent on the latitude of the area, and amount of precipitation • Examples: forest and grassland.
Ocean Ecosystems • Very large amount of Earth is covered by ocean (~75%) • 40% of all photosynthesis occurs in oceans. • No photosynthesis can occur in deep ocean because light cannot penetrate deeply into water.
Biodiversity is a word that is used to describe the differences between individuals, species and environments
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